

The IAVCEI EC, in agreement with New Zealand LOC, announces that the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Rotorua, New Zealand, originally scheduled for 2021, has been postponed to 20-24 January, 2022. 
The impact of COVID-19 and the associated uncertainty of international travel restrictions to New Zealand in the near future has made it impractical and unfeasible to plan for and hold the assembly on the original dates. The local organising committee regret having to reschedule the assembly, but are delighted to welcome the international volcanological community to New Zealand in early 2022. We will build upon the progress we had already made on the scientific and general programme and anticipate that this assembly may be unique in being the first, hopefully, in a post-COVID world.

Adrian Pittari and Graham Leonard (LOC Coordinators)
Patrick Allard (IAVCEI President)
Roberto Sulpizio (IAVCEI SG)


Cities on Volcanoes 11

  • New dates : 14 - 18 June 2021

  • HERAKLION - Greece
  • Note from Organization of the meeting COV 11 - More than 700 people participated in our June survey of their intentions regarding COV11, which included the majority of those who have already registered for the conference. From those who had already registered, half planned to participate virtually, with the remaining half fairly evenly split between attending in person, preferring cancellation, or undecided. From these results, and with the encouraging easing of the pandemic and opening of European borders, we created a hybrid conference (physical and virtual) to be held during September 25-30, 2020.
    Unfortunately, the spread of the pandemic has increased and accelerated worldwide, forcing further lockdowns, and restrictions on international travel. Taking into account, and the low number of confirmed physical participants, IAVCEI, the CAV commission, and the LOC have decided to postpone the COV11 meeting in Heraklion to 14-18 June 2021. This change is made for the safety of delegates and to make it more likely to have participation from our many professional communities.


Postgraduate Certificate on the Assessment and Management of Geological and Climate related risk, CERG-C, University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Postgraduate Certificate on the Assessment and Management of Geological and Climate related risk, CERG-C, University of Geneva, Switzerland* the 2018 session of the CERG-C training that will be
held at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) between April 9th and June 8th, 2018 (application deadline: September 12th, 2017;

Since 1988, the University of Geneva has held an international training course on geologic risk assessment and management for graduate students and practitioners under a program called the Specialization Certificate in Geological and Climate related risk (CERG-C). The CERG-C is an intensive 9-week long program integrating the physical and social sciences as well as vulnerability and economics into risk assessment. Completion of the Certificate requires a Thesis/Memoir to be conducted in the candidate’s home country or in Geneva in collaboration with various governmental or international agencies (e.g., UNISDR, UNOSAT, WMO), due within 6-months of completion of the main course work. Target modules include: *risk
management, volcanic risk, landslide risk, seismic risk, and flood and climate-related risk.

Field exercises are offered with all CERG-C modules. In particular, as part of the volcanic risk module, the CERG-C offers a 1-week field exercise on the island of Vulcano, Italy, to study geologic risk in the context of volcanic settings. Four main aspects are considered: physical volcanology; vulnerability─ physical, systemic, economic and social; and risk assessment and management. A dedicated educational exercise with the local primary school is also organized as is a table-top emergency exercise simulating a volcanic crisis. The training is strongly aligned with the Italian National Civil Protection Department and includes a 1-day trip to Stromboli to evaluate the interaction between physical science and emergency management.

CERG-C candidates come to Geneva from all over the world to take advantage of faculty expertise and field settings offered in Switzerland, Italy and France and to have access to major international natural disaster governmental and international organizations housed in Geneva. To date, some 400 participants from 85 different countries have been trained. The teaching faculty comprises some 30 international experts from various institutions, including *University of Geneva, Switzerland; University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich (Swiss Seismological Service); Swiss National Emergency Operations Centre; Swiss Humanitarian Aid; World Meteorological Organization (WMO); United
Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR); United Nations Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT); National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Italy; University of Pisa, Italy; East Tennessee State University, USA; Politecnico di Milano, Italy; York University, Canada.

Applications are due annually in September for training beginning April the following year (next deadline: September 12th). A limited number of scholarships is available. All material is presented in English, so CERG-C candidates are required to understand written and spoken English and write and speak English.

Learn more about the CERG-C by going to:

For registration and information, please contact Dr. Corine Frischknecht

IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Lakes
CVL 10 Workshop, New Zealand
17-25 March 2019

On behalf of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI), its Commission on Volcanic Lakes and GNS Science, the 10th Workshop on Volcanic Lakes (CVL10) to be held in Taupo and Rotorua, New Zealand over the period March 17-25, 2019. The meeting aims to bring together volcano scientists from a wide range of subdisciplines, including physical volcanology, hydrology, limnology, biochemistry, geochemistry and geophysics, all with a view toward establishing broad communication amongst the disciplines and development of holistic models of volcanic lake environments. The goals of the workshop are to provide ample opportunity for exchange of ideas around data collection and monitoring methodologies in volcanic lake environments, hazard recognition and mitigation, and copious discussion of conceptual models for so-called “wet volcanic systems”. As for previous workshops, CVL10 is designed around both formal scientific sessions and field visits to well-studied magmatic-hydrothermal environments. The CVL10 workshop includes visits to Mt. Ruapehu, Waimangu, and Lake Rotomahana, with an optional, post-conference visit to Whaakari (White Island). Water column sampling will be possible from Lake Rotomahana, the site of ancillary activity to the 1886 eruption of Mt Tarawera. The lake has a sustained discharge of ~ 300 T/day of CO2.

Contact: Bruce Christenson: